Modeling tumor cell adaptations to hypoxia in multicellular tumor spheroids

Here we will review what is known about cell proliferation, DNA damage repair, and metabolic pathways as modeled in multicellular tumor spheroids in comparison to observations made in solid tumors. A more precise definition of the cell populations present within 3D tumor models in vitro could better inform our understanding of the heterogeneity within tumors as well as provide a more representative platform for the testing of therapeutic strategies.

Linking hypoxia, DNA damage and proliferation in multicellular tumor spheroids

Tumor spheroids mimic tumor microenvironments such as the anoxic, hypoxic and oxic niches within solid tumors, as well as populations of cells that are viable, proliferating, and undergoing DNA damage repair processes under these different micro-environmental conditions. ATM, but not ATR, is the primary kinase responsible for γ-H2AX formation in the hypoxic core of A673 spheroids. Spheroids could offer unique advantages in testing therapeutics designed to target malignant cells that evade conventional treatment strategies by adapting to the hypoxic tumor microenvironment.