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Saving the Right Whale: AUV’s and the Future of Whale Conservation

North Atlantic Right Whale breaching the ocean surface. Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons

This is a preview of the full post which can be found on Bedrock’s website.

When a species is on the brink, teetering at the edge of oblivion, every step towards conservation matters. This is particularly true for the North Atlantic Right Whale, a leviathan of ancient lore who is now among the most endangered mammals on the planet. Preservation of this species for future generations will require innovative and fast approaches to seemingly intractable issues like climate change. Decisive action to both reduce and maximally mitigate the common threats posed by noise pollution and ship strikes are required.

While addressing climate change will require time and collective action, curbing the rising levels of noise pollution and the omnipresent threat of ship strikes is well within our grasp thanks to recent advancements in maritime technology.

Here, we’ll briefly explore the story of the right whale and how technological innovations — particularly autonomous underwater vehicles — may help it endure for generations to come.

Read the full blog on Bedrock’s website.