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An algorithm to triage breast cancer surgery

Ki67 stained tumoursCredit: Mitch Dowsett

This is a brief preview of the full article, which can be found on Nature’s website.

Adhering to the Hippocratic Oath’s maxim ‘do no harm’ is not always straightforward, particularly during a global pandemic. What is a doctor to do, for instance, when a patient has operable breast cancer, but performing that surgery could increase the risk of life-threatening COVID-19?

In March 2020, as physicians worldwide were grappling with this question and hospitals were starting to delay surgeries, Mitch Dowsett, the Breast Cancer Theme Lead at The Royal Marsden Hospital and Endocrinology Team Leader at The Institute of Cancer Research, assembled an international consortium to develop a simple algorithm that could provide some guidance.

Read the full article at Nature.