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Modeling tumor cell adaptations to hypoxia in multicellular tumor spheroids

Hypoxia-induced adaptations in a spheroid. Oxygen gradients within tumor spheroids lead to conditions ranging between mild physiological hypoxia to anoxia (represented here by shades of gray). This results in regionalization of tumor cell populations [91127]. Hypoxia develops in the spheroid core due to a combination of oxygen diffusion limitations and rapid consumption from proliferating cells [2433127]. Oxygen deprivation induces glycogen storage to facilitate subsequent metabolism and continued proliferation under more severe hypoxia [496271]. Cycling cells in hypoxic regions experience replication stress (stalled replication forks [77] and DNA damage [71]), inducing activation of DNA damage repair (DDR) signaling. DDR allows temporary tumor cell survival and proliferation upon re-oxygenation, but after prolonged periods of severe hypoxia the replisome will disassemble [6584]

Stephen Riffle and Rashmi S. Hegde

Division of Developmental Biology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, 3333 Burnet Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45229 USA


Under hypoxic conditions, tumor cells undergo a series of adaptations that promote evolution of a more aggressive tumor phenotype including the activation of DNA damage repair proteins, altered metabolism, and decreased proliferation. Together these changes mitigate the negative impact of oxygen deprivation and allow preservation of genomic integrity and proliferative capacity, thus contributing to tumor growth and metastasis. As a result the presence of a hypoxic microenvironment is considered a negative clinical feature of many solid tumors. Hypoxic niches in tumors also represent a therapeutically privileged environment in which chemo- and radiation therapy is less effective. Although the negative impact of tumor hypoxia has been well established, the precise effect of oxygen deprivation on tumor cell behavior, and the molecular signals that allow a tumor cell to survive in vivo are poorly understood. Multicellular tumor spheroids (MCTS) have been used as an in vitro model for the avascular tumor niche, capable of more accurately recreating tumor genomic profiles and predicting therapeutic response. However, relatively few studies have used MCTS to study the molecular mechanisms driving tumor cell adaptations within the hypoxic tumor environment.

Here we will review what is known about cell proliferation, DNA damage repair, and metabolic pathways as modeled in MCTS in comparison to observations made in solid tumors. A more precise definition of the cell populations present within 3D tumor models in vitro could better inform our understanding of the heterogeneity within tumors as well as provide a more representative platform for the testing of therapeutic strategies.